Wednesday, August 20, 2008

XML Modeling

XML Modeling

hyperModel Overview

  • Are you using large existing XML Schemas as a basis for a software design project?
  • Are you creating UML models of information content or e-Business messages and using them to design new XML Schemas?
  • Are you just trying to understand the complexity of industry standard schemas, such as FpML, FIXML, and OAGIS?

All of these projects can benefit from hyperModel. This analysis & design tool works easily in combination with other UML2 tools, such as IBM's Rational Software Modeler® via XMI 2.1 interchange model files. And hyperModel is the only software tool that offers UML models and diagrams of any XML Schema, at the click of a mouse.


hyperModel does more than just assist XML schema design and integration. What makes hyperModel different from all other UML and XML development tools is that it is specifically designed to emphasize the thoughtful understanding of business models defining document-centric Web Service integration. UML diagrams become dynamic, multi-dimensional views of your business information.

  • One IDE on your desktop! hyperModel is a plug-in to the popular Eclipse workbench, or is packaged with the Eclipse platform if you are new to this environment.
  • Apply an object-oriented approach to analysis & design of XML schemas and Web Services messages.
  • Automatic creation of very intuitive conceptual models in UML from any XML Schema.
  • The benefits of dynamically constructed UML diagrams—a widely accepted standard notation—without the burden of a complex, specialized design environment. Explore any UML model with point & click simplicity, as easy as browsing the Web!
  • Allows all users—business and technical—to view diverse information in a common visual language.
"Aberdeen Group recommends that organizations plan and execute a model sharing effort as soon as possible, first by learning the UML and XMI standards and implementations."
Aberdeen Group, June 2002


  • Import any XML Schema into UML
    • hyperModel creates a very intuitive conceptual model of your XML Schema content definitions. Many users find this feature alone makes hyperModel their preferred XML Schema design tool!
  • Generate XML Schema from any UML model
    • hyperModel implements a complete mapping from the UML2 modeling language to XML Schema definitions.
    • You can generate and browse these schema transformations incrementally (e.g. one class at a time) or for an entire package or model.
  • Complete customization of XML Schema design
    • Complete implementation of a UML profile (i.e., stereotypes and tagged value properties) for XML Schema, originally defined in Appendix C of the book, Modeling XML Applications with UML, by David Carlson, and now updated and enhanced for UML 2.1.
    • The UML profile is used to annotate UML models with specific preferences for schema customization. However, with use of default model and package settings, there is usually little need to customize individual classes, attributes, and associations.
  • Creates dynamic and interactive UML diagrams
    • hyperModel implements a very unique approach for automatic generation of dynamic, interactive UML diagrams displayed as SVG graphics in an Eclipse workbench view.
    • Create and browse UML diagrams as easily as browsing the Web! This feature in invaluable for browsing models imported from very large industry standard XML Schemas.
  • Complements other UML tools
    • hyperModel is designed to complement other UML tools already in use within your workplace. Models are exchanged with other tools via the UML 2.1 and XMI 2.1 interchange format.
    • Most frequently used with IBM's Rational Software Modeler/Architect®, but also used with Sparx Enterprise Architect®, MagicDraw®, and several others.
  • Complements other XML design tools
    • Take an XML Schema designed with another XML-specific tool and use hyperModel to create UML class diagrams of its conceptual model structure.
    • Current XML schema design tools emphasize the hierarchical structure of documents, but do a poor job of presenting a clear understanding of the type definitions and associations in an XML vocabulary.
    • Defining an XML vocabulary using a tool like XML Spy® requires the modeler to have detailed knowledge of XML Schema terminology, but these implementation-oriented choices are often inappropriate during analysis and design of the information content.

hyperModel is the first application to bring XML vocabulary definitions, based on UML and XMI standards, into a model sharing effort that enables complete e-Business specification. No other tool can help companies interpret disparate data in such a dynamic environment.

hyperModel is based on over 7 years of research and development and 5 years of active use and feedback. hyperModel implements the innovative approach to analysis & design of XML applications that was first described in the book, Modeling XML Applications with UML: Practical e-Business Applications, published by Addison-Wesley. hyperModel was designed and implemented by this book's author.

For more information:

FREE download of hyperModel.

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